Friday, March 26, 2010

Whoever sows hatred of the Church, will reap damaged Churches

The first effects of the media reports? -In Bavaria there are reports of more vandalizations of Churches.

Dinkelsbühl ( In the middle franconian hamlet where the consecrated remains of the of the Martyr Aurelius rests in a Shrine at St. George Minster, vandal(s) tore him from his glass shrine and twisted his left leg. In the upper Bavarian Bad Aibling a suspect used a songbook as toilette paper and smeared it with feces. He also urinated in the church.

In Oberpolling at Passau on the following Saturday at the daughter church, St. Hartmann, prayer books, an altar cloth, pews and clock counterweight were lit on fire, and windows were also broken. Blind destruction on the weekend visited also a lea cross in the lower Bavarian crossroads at Kelheim. The three meter high Christ figure in the Sandharlandener Meadow by Abensberg had its arms and legs struck off. Weidener detectives have become involved due to the heavy arson in a church in upper Pfalz, Bärnau. Damages for the more than eight days of acts are estimated at 30,000 Euros.

There's a petition you may sign at Ja! zur KIRCHE on facebook.

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