Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vatican Criticizes Condom Machines in Rome School

Yes, the Bishops in the Philippines are following through with the Pope's attack on one of modernism's false sacraments,fornication, and the Vatican renews its criticism of this mendacious evil. Condom use, despite the proliferation of their availability in the United States, doesn't seem to be the effective preventative it's supposed to be since 1 in 5 adults in the US suffers from the disease. [1]

ROME — A Rome high school has decided to install vending machines selling condoms for its students, sparking angry reaction from the Catholic Church which claims the move will only encourage youths to have sex.

Cardinal Agostino Vallini, the pope's vicar for Rome, criticized the decision as trivializing sex.

L'Avvenire, the newspaper of the Italian Bishops' Conference, said Thursday that sex was being reduced to "mere physical exercise." The paper lamented that young people these days have no spiritual guidance when it comes to sexuality, and that educators are more concerned with "the health and hygiene consequences of sex" than the moral implications.

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