Friday, March 26, 2010

Pro-gay marriage CCHD group de-funded

Now, we're starting to see some results.

March 26, 2010

American Life League had made the USCCB and Portland Diocese aware that an organization called Preble Street, which was supposed to help the homeless, also actively lobbied in favor of gay marriage. The group had been receiving CCHD grants for some time, and was scheduled to receive $50,000 this year. The Portland Diocese just announced that they are pulling this funding. That’s good.

What is not good is that the USCCB and Bishop Morin, who heads the part of USCCB that oversees CCHD, continue to react with hostility whenever ALL or any other group points out these problematic CCHD grantees. Several months after ALL will point out these groups that don’t support Church doctrine or actively work against it, funding will be quietly pulled, then more groups will be found, Morin will feign outrage, and then quietly defund those again. On and on ad infinitum. Meanwhile, more and more Catholics are losing faith in many of the charitable organizations with ties to the USCCB and are either reducing donations or not giving at all. We need strong leadership from Bishop Morin and/or the USCCB to finally put an end to these really poor CCHD practices. I, for one, shall not hold my breath.

Dallas Catholic Blog...

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