Thursday, March 25, 2010

Glenn Beck on Marxist Ministers

Glenn Beck is so right about the American Catholic Church; he's wrong about Catholicism and politics, however, contrary to what he says, it would be great if an orthodox (how sad that we have to specify that nowadays) Catholic priest made public policy. Wouldn't it be nice though, if instead of promoting socialist causes, that the Catholic Bishops in America just did their jobs? They really have, for the most part, aligned themselves with certain Devils with Washington addresses who insist on telling us that the government extorting money from taxpayers amounts to what was taught in the Gospels. Never mind that they can't convince most Christians that abortion for everyone who wants one isn't something the Gospels would have taught either, but the American people are gullible. They've been acquiescing to the tyrannous whims of our Marxist-Leninist masters and mistresses for a very, very long time. It's high time, even if it has to come from a non-Catholic, that someone actually took the USCCB to task for this and was paid attention to.

Some of us have been mentioning this for years. Still, the USCCB loves to make ineffectual statements from time to time on behalf of liberal causes.

[Foxnews] GLENN BECK, HOST: I know it seems like I'm off the rails today because I'm not talking specifically about education or immigration or health care. But this is — this is the — this is the kind of show that makes you understand the news and understand what's coming.

There is another attack coming now on me. And I'm not responding to the attack. I have to tell you the truth.

But I want you to know what the truth is, from me first. Because I have yet another, a close Obama adviser — first it was Van Jones that started a campaign against me. And now, it's a new one. Reverend Jim Wallis is starting a campaign against me.

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