Sunday, March 21, 2010

Damian Thompson Catches Media in yet another Deception

Not only is the media's malice evident in this story that they intended upon misrepresenting this story before it came out, but the malice of other individuals in professional victim organizations is in evidence as well in the Irish people's supposed response to the letter. Damian Thompson has caught them in their game of deceit.

The terrible truth about this is that the only source for healing which will come of this is from the fullness of the Sacraments and stories like this will further create enmity between the people of Ireland and the Church which has been with them since the 4th Century.

This morning, before the Pope’s pastoral letter on Irish child abuse was published, and apparently before reporters from The Times had read a single word of it, the paper ran a story by Richard Owen and David Sharrock which began as follows:
The Pope’s letter to the Irish faithful will be released today and read at Sunday Mass in an attempt to defuse the spiralling scandal over clerical sex abuse.

However, the pastoral letter has already been judged a failure by many after a week in which the Primate of All Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady, apologised for his role in covering up the activities of a notorious paedophile priest.

Link to Telegraph...

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