Friday, March 12, 2010

CCHD Stations of the Cross

This just in from "Reform the CCHD". Reform it out of existence would be a better idea. This most recent evil shows a station of the Cross dedicated to a Planned Parenthood funded recipient of CCHD funds, the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, here.

This year, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) released its own version of this ancient devotion. This self-promotion offers a few scriptural passages relevant to each of the 14 Stations of the Cross (Jesus is Condemned to Death, Jesus Takes up His Cross, Jesus Falls the First Time, etc.), which are followed by commercial commentaries on groups receiving grant money from the CCHD. Even the prayers at the end of each station are tainted with these commercial insertions.

Read further....


  1. Wow!!!

    Within 24 hours of the release of Reform CCHD Now's report on the CCHD's Stations of the Cross (, it has been scrubbed from the website without explanation.

    Check it out! Here's a cached version of the CCHD website, showing the links to the CCHD Stations of the Cross:

    And here's what the website looks like now:

    Just look under the section titled "Lent", and you'll see the discrepancy.

    The first step to admitting guilt is to attempt a cover-up.

  2. I think they're very unsophisticated, but they don't have to be very sophisticated, because no one is, generally, holding them accountable.

    Pewsitters just keep shelling out the dough.
