Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pope's Appearance Quashes Labour's Equality Law

It's amazing because now everyone is talking about Catholic Dogma and the Church's teaching on the Natural Law. Some might not like how the Holy Father intruded these concepts into the daily discussions of so many people in the wake of his UK visit, but there they are for all to complain about, but not a few, we think, particularly England's Clergy will be energized in a very decisive way to teach and spread the Catholic Faith.

Telegraph] Ministers had tried to include a new definition of a priest in the flagship anti-discrimination law, but church leaders complained that it was far too narrow.

They said it would mean religious organisations could no longer opt out of equality rules, and so would face prosecution unless they went against their beliefs by employing homosexuals. Roman Catholics feared they would be forced to admit women to the priesthood for the first time.

In an unprecedented intervention in British politics, on Monday the Pope declared that Britain’s equality laws are imposing “unjust limitations on the freedom of religious communities to act in accordance with their beliefs”.

Read further...

New Statesman...Pope Condemns Equality Law.

Times... Pope Attacks Labour.

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