Aside from the fact that the author of this article from an Archdiocesan paper called The Spirit doesn't know much about Catholicism, the article is interesting in that we are informed of the ordination of still one more of Msgr Schuler's boys from beautiful and "traditional" Saint Agnes parish who is raised to the office of Bishop, and we're also treated to the usual tired pleasantries that seem to accompany the full route of the Church elsewhere where Bishops don't fight wolves and are more concerned about endowments and PR than Cathlic Dogma. What Archbishop Nienstedt's predecessor, Archbishop Ireland referred to as "the phantom heresy", Americanism, is still well entrenched in Minnesota a century later. We are also reintroduced to the semi-orthodox Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Samebi who was present for the Consecration Mass and is new colleague Bishop Piche. Perhaps Bishop Sirba will be "fearful to the Church's enemies", but we doubt it. It's more Minnesota nice, hearty welcomes to dissident speakers and a continuing home for heretical educators and Benedictine Monks; business as usual and what passes for Catholicism in these parts. Pass the liberal snakeoil, please.
The crosier wielded by this Bohemian Prelate looks impressive at least, even if the vestments look like the costume for an improbable sci-fi future-church -- one thing at a time.
Also, don't expect Bishop Sirba to abolish altar girls any time soon, if ever, and we doubt he will be capable of keeping wolves out of his diocese when they come; just don't expect a wholesale restoration of Catholic religion. That's not on the agenda. His apparent mentor, Archbishop Nienstedt certainly isn't keeping the wolves out. Perhaps it is the case that, like his Archdiocesan Guideline on speakers, the panopoly of episcopacy is a minimalist attempt at true Catholicism.
During the Dec. 14 ordination ceremony, Bishop Sirba, former vicar general of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, called Archbishop Nienstedt “an inspiration, a guide and a friend.”
Link to illiterate Archdiocesan newspaper...
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