Monday, October 14, 2024

The Glorious Columbus

Columbus’ Tomb in Sevill

 Columbus wanted to find gold to finance a restoration of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem to the Christians.

From TFP

Crusader Spirit

A question arises from the modern reader: “What about the quest for gold?” As Columbus makes clear in his log, the finding of gold, spices, and other valuables is central to his mission, but not for the reason most are taught.

On December 26, 1492, Columbus had established a makeshift settlement named La Navidad on the north end of the island of Hispaniola from the wreckage of the Santa Maria, run aground on a reef. Seeing the hand of Divine Providence, he then proceeded to write of his desired result:

“I hope to God that when I come back here from Castile. . . I will find a barrel of gold, for which these people have traded, and that they will have found the gold mine, and the spices, and in such quantities that within three years the Sovereigns will prepare for and undertake the reconquest of the Holy Land. I have already petitioned Your Highnesses to see that all the profits of my enterprise should be spent on the conquest of Jerusalem, and Your Highnesses smiled and said that. . . even without the expedition they had the inclination to do it.”9

Now that Spain was finally free from Muslim domination (Jan. 2, 1492), the great desire to take the fight to the enemy and complete the liberation of the Holy Land could finally be completed. By sailing west, Columbus was aiming to outflank Islam, gaining access to the riches of the East so as to finance the retaking of Jerusalem. Since the fall of Constantinople in 1453, while Columbus was still a child, calls had come from all corners of Europe to renew the Crusade. Columbus saw himself as the instrument to fulfill the longed-for end.

In a letter to Pope Alexander VI, Columbus reiterates the seriousness of his intentions:

“The enterprise must be undertaken in order to spend any profits therein for the redemption of the Sepulcher and the Temple Mount unto Holy Church.”10

Historian George Grant succinctly concludes, “Clearly, the motivations of Columbus were shaped by the eons long conflict between Christendom and Islam. The evidence is inescapable. He sailed, not to discover a new world, but to find a way to recover the old one.”


Hail Columbus!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Bergoglio Gives Fancy Red Sun Hat to Evil Dominican

Radcliffe launching gay book at Oxford with Polish Dominican

Timothy Radcliffe is an interesting choice for Cardinal. As if more proof were needed of Bergoglio’s lavender associations with Sodom and Gomorrah, here’s a piece excerpted from Randy Engel.

He was and is quite the bastard: No getting around that! He was a major player in the corruption of the Dominicans for decades:

From The Rite of Sodomy: Chapter on Religious Orders;

*    The Order of Preachers

   The Lavender Mafia in the Dominican Order

On February 25, Ash Wednesday 1998, Father Timothy Radcliffe, OP, the Master

General of the Dominican Order issued a Lenten Letter titled "The Promise of Life" from his residence at the Dominican Convent of Santa Sabina in Rome.  Having carefully followed the pattern of homosexual colonization of the

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Bergoglio Leads Controversial Act of Penance

Edit: these pointless showboat events don’t seem to have any reconciliation in mind or any individuals in need of regenerarion. 

Vienna's Cardinal Schönborn also spoke one of the seven pleas for forgiveness at a ceremony in St. Peter's Basilica on the eve of the opening of the four-week world synod.  There was some criticism of the texts in advance

Vatican City ( In an act of penance in St. Peter's Basilica, in which Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schönborn also took part, top representatives of the Catholic Church, led by Pope Francis, confessed the Church's guilt.  For the first time, they publicly asked God and humanity for forgiveness because of the Catholic Church's failure to deal with cases of sexual abuse by clergy.

The service took place on Tuesday evening in the Vatican Basilica, on the eve of the opening of a four-week world synod for the renewal of the Catholic Church.  Similar to the historic confession of the Church's sins throughout its long history, which took place in 2000, several cardinals read out individual confessions of guilt one after the other.  Each of the seven posts contained the phrase, "I ask for forgiveness and I'm ashamed."

In addition to failing to deal with sexual or spiritual abuse, the cardinals acknowledged guilt on behalf of the Church in, among other things, Christians' involvement in environmental destruction, colonialism and slavery.  The failure of men in the Church to advocate for the dignity of women was mentioned, as was the oppression and exploitation of women religious.  In his text, Cardinal Schönborn addressed the “obstacles to building a truly synodal, common church.”

 “I ask for forgiveness and am ashamed that we have transformed authority into power, that we have stifled plurality, that we have not listened to the people, that we have made it difficult for many brothers and sisters to participate in the mission of the Church,” it said in the pleas for forgiveness presented by Schönborn.  People have forgotten "that we are all called in history to become living stones of the one temple of the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ."  Child Abuse Report Each of the seven guilty pleas was accompanied by a sung invocation of Divine Mercy.

Previously, among others, the German-based singer Laurence Gien, who was abused by a cleric as a minor in his former home of South Africa, reported on the serious psychological damage caused to the victims by the acts and their cover-up.  In further testimonies, an Italian woman reported on the suffering of boat refugees and migrants, and a Syrian religious woman spoke of the horrors of the war in her homeland.  The guilty plea to clerical abuse was made by US Cardinal Sean O'Malley, who headed the Pontifical Child Protection Commission for many years.  Indian Cardinal Oswald Gracias asked for forgiveness for Catholics' past disregard for life and failure to strive for peace.  Curial Cardinal Michael Czerny spoke out about transgressions against creation and shame for colonialism.  Irish-American Curial Cardinal Kevin Farrell's request for forgiveness was aimed, among other things, at disrespecting the dignity of women.  Prefect of the Faith, Cardinal Víctor Fernandez, asked, among other things, forgiveness for offenses against the "unity of the Christian faith and the true fraternity of all humanity."

 Cardinal Cristobal Lopez, archbishop of the Moroccan capital Rabat, read out a request for forgiveness for wrongdoings and omissions towards the poor.  Cardinal Schönborn spoke as the last of the seven cardinals and as a member of the Council of the Synod Secretariat.  "Healing wounds that still bleed" Pope Francis emphasized in his closing address: "We can no longer call on the name of God without first asking forgiveness from our brothers and sisters and the earth and all creatures."  He continued: "We must ask ourselves what responsibility we have if we fail to stop evil with good."

 On the eve of the World Synod, the confession of guilt is "an opportunity to restore the trust in the Church and the trust in the Church that has been broken by our mistakes and sins, and to heal the wounds that still bleed and the bonds of injustice  solve."  The celebration took place in a quiet, concentrated atmosphere in St. Peter's Basilica, which was not completely full.  Pope Francis, wearing a purple stole like the one priests wear when hearing confessions, followed the testimonies with a serious expression and often lowered eyes.  After the women and men's remarks, there was applause from those present in the rear area of ​​St. Peter's Basilica, and some of the bishops and cardinals present also applauded.  The act of penance also marked the end of the two days of retreat for the synod members who are taking part in the World Synod of Bishops on Synodality in the Vatican, which begins on Wednesday.

 Text of the intercession presented by Cardinal Christoph SCHÖNBORN:

 I ask for forgiveness and am ashamed of the obstacles we place in the way of building a truly synodal, common Church, conscious of being a holy people of God, walking together in recognition of the common dignity of baptism.  I ask for forgiveness and am ashamed for all the times when we did not listen to the Holy Spirit, but rather to ourselves and defended opinions and ideologies that hurt the fellowship of all in Christ, which we have at the end of time  Expect father.  I ask for forgiveness and am ashamed that we have turned authority into power, that we have stifled plurality, that we have not listened to people, that we have made it difficult for many brothers and sisters to participate in the mission of the Church, and that we  have forgotten that we are all called in history to become living stones of the one temple of the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ.  Forgive us, Lord.

Trans: Tancred


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Why hasn't Mark Shea taken the latest booster?

As much as he appears to hate him, it's obvious that he shares more traits than he would be willing to admit.  Both have trouble admitting when they are wrong.   Trump will double down or, in this case, pivot toward something else.   Shea projects simplistic caricatures.   Has he forgotten that it was Trump who brought us Operation Warped Speed and talked about using the military to administer this "vaccine" he believed, at least until recently, had saved meeyons of lives?

The "vaccine" was withheld, as Trump claimed, until Biden's installation was secure.  Very quickly, those who said they would never take it, started to mandate it.   Trump was incensed he never got credit for its development and continued to crow about it despite being heckled at his own rallies.  It would seem he's found the better tactic is to criticize the mandates and not to jab itself.

"Protecting immunocompromised neighbors":   Does anyone still believe this bunk especially now that more people are walking around with Covid than at any time in 2020?

The best way Mark Shea could protect those vulnerable to the dangers of the Plandemic would be to maximize his social distancing (say 6 MILES) and stay off the internet.

The questioner mentions Deacon Steven Greydanus (side issue: it's Reverend Mister.  We don't care for the permanent diaconate but this still isn't the First Abyssinian Baptist Church of East Main St.). Why would anyone take medical help from one of Nighty-night Baby's flunkies, a movie reviewer who called a film about a grown sodomite corn-holing an underage boy "winsome"?

Ed Feser is a strange case.  He's done yeoman's work advocating for the Church's traditional teaching on capital punishment (getting called Hitler by Shea for it) but he thought the "vaccine" was not the hill to die on.   And, like Bill Kristol's roomate,  he thinks being more pro-Life than the hierarchy isn't good enough.  Sorry clown, Trump only promised to throw it back to the states, but for 50 years you dutifully voted for GOP candidates who kept pulling the rug out from under us.  You just couldn't catch that ball and run with it because you were still Never-Trumpers.   Who can blame him for thinking it's a losing issue now?

To be certain the past decade with Francis, Trump, and the Plandemic have taken some casualties in Apologetics, Inc.   Consider Steve Skojec and cat lady Michelle Arnold.

Skojec was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.  It seemed to start when he took a now predictable position with respect to the story of Pio Nono and his adopted son Edgardo Mortara, which is an alternate way to reject EENS.   Then, he got into a fight with trads over giving daughters the HPV vaccines and whether or not NFP users could have less than pure motives.     When Covid hit, he stayed home and never clamored to return to Mass.   He hunkered down in fear, got jabbed, got Covid, and eventually, lost his faith completely.   Now, he drinks bourbon, smokes pot, and writes about UFOs and about why trads are evil.

It's hard not to pity former Catholic Answers staff apologist Michelle Arnold, a self-proclaimed Cat-Lady for Kamala.

Sure, she was a reliable Neo-Cat dipshit prior to Covid, but locking herself up allowed us to see she lacked any integrity whatsoever.   When vax-happy Cardinal McElroy finally rescinded the dispensation, she couldn't muster the courage to return to Mass.    Consider her statement in The Times of San Diego.   It's obvious this coward has been sheltered more than Kamala Harris has been since the annointing.

My reasons for not attending Mass originally had nothing to do with introversion. By the time I left my job as a professional apologist, I was pretty much becoming burned out altogether on being Catholic. Then there was the fact that the isolation and fear imposed by the pandemic transformed my deep social anxiety into a mild to moderate case of agoraphobia.

And it certainly didn’t help that all of the Catholics clamoring for churches to open and Mass restrictions to be lifted were the very people largely responsible for keeping the pandemic ongoing. I had no desire to be passing the peace with unmasked, unvaccinated Catholics, who I believe share some responsibility for COVID-19’s high death toll.

God help us if things ever get serious with celebrity Catholics like this.

be sure to get your HPV & Monkey Pox vaccines

I'll bet they could've easily got Mark Shea to say he wouldn't take it.

P.S:  Mark, should anything coincidental happen to you, you can always get a burner phone and place a call to The Sabatini Family Protection Agency.   They've been in the business of coincidence for centuries.

 Update.  Thank you Mike Hill:

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Pravda Insists that Haitians Don’t Eat Cats!

Edit: my Haitians Eat Cats post got taken down and the video that was posted with it was removed from YouTube.

When I search for pet eating Haitian vids or honest and frank interviews with people who live in the town being invaded by Haitians, all I see are debunking videos ridiculing Trump and saying how ridiculous it is to believe that Haitians do in fact eat cats and have low levels of social trust and agreeability, which makes them difficult and perhaps impossible neighbors.  It’s too bad Bergoglio doesn’t move the Vatican to Port au Prince.

It’s a shame that it’s so difficult to find these sincere and informed people who put the lie to these Globohomo actors.


Friday, September 6, 2024

The Devil's Bagpipe: The Wretched Life of Martin Luther

Memories: Bergoglio Top Jew of 2013

Looks like he’s blessing a gay couple here

[La Stampa] The Pope Francis effect has even spread to Forward’s 50 top American Jews list for this year. Forward magazine, the historic voice of American liberal Judaism, decided to add Bergoglio to the 2013 edition of Forward 50, its annual list of top Jewish-American figures. The reason for this “endorsement” is party due to an umpteenth attempt to launch an attack on Francis’ predecessor, Benedict XVI.

As he is not Jewish, Francis has been added to the magazine’s “PLUS” list. The accompanying note included in the Pope’s profile explains the reason why he was chosen: “After eight months as head of the world’s 1 billion Roman Catholics (not to mention 10 million Twitter followers), the new pontiff — the first from outside Europe — has made improving relations with the Jewish world a key goal.” The magazine adds that “the only book he has penned is an extraordinary dialogue with a rabbi who had become fast friends with then-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio in their native Argentina.”

But amidst all this praise, Forward 50 adds that “It wouldn’t be tough to improve on the tone set by his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, who refused all access to the Holocaust archives and fast-tracked sainthood for the controversial Pope Pius XII, who many accuse of staying silent in the face of Hitler’s slaughter.” In doing so the magazine fuels the stereotypical contrast drawn between Poep Francis and Benedict XVI, with this statement on Ratzinger’s relationship with Judaism, which seems discredited by the obvious prejudice shown. The usual reference to Pius XII’s controversial beatification is not missing either.

Forward also makes a completely false statement regarding the Vatican archives: When he was Pope, Benedict XVI opened up the archives making available all material relating to the pontificate of Pius XI and therefore the year 1939 – a crucial period in terms of the Nazi persecution of Jews. Pacelli was Vatican Secretary of State at the time. Ratzinger’s attitude towards the documents on Pius XII’s pontificate was the same as Wojtyla’s. He said the documents would be made public once the cataloguing process was complete. In a public statement made during the prtesentation of the Lux in Arcana exhibition, Tarcisio Bertone, who was Secretary of State at the time (in February 2012, when Benedict XVI was still Pope) estimated the waiting period to be a couple of years. This means that even without Francis’ election, the time of the opening of the Pius XII archives was very near anyway. So the basis of Forward’s accusations against Benedict XVI – who is put across as the obstacle to the opening of the Vatican archives dating back to the Holocaust period - remains unclear.


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Telegram CEO Arrested in France

Edit: so, they wont allow a man who drugged and raped a 12 year old girl to be extradited to the country from which he fled, but they'll arrest this man?  


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Possible Solution to our Problems

The oppressive, unhelpful, and unproductive political situation we are in offers us a failed binary: The libertarian right seeks to maximize individual autonomous self-actualization by restricting government intervention into people’s lives as much as possible, whereas the Marxist left demands maximal individual autonomous self-actualization by maximizing government intervention into people’s lives. But why not refuse to accept such an unworkable, binary system? Apparently Pope Francis and his goons favor the following alternative: a totalitarian, fascist, monarchical Caesaropapism that prevents self-actualization for as many people as possible precisely by its insistence on intervening where it’s not necessary or helpful (e.g., forbidding the TLM) and by refusing to intervene where necessary (e.g., to actually address the sex abuse crisis).

Make sense to me.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Preppy Taylor Names Them Again

 Edit: how can he keep getting away with it??! We noticed him noticing that a Jewish leader can close down an Orthodox Communion.

Now he’s noticing other things. What?! Abraham wasn’t Talmudic?


How & When did Evangelicals become Zionists?

74 Year Old Priest Strangled by Disturbed Man

Edit: this priest appears to have been a furtive creeper for years in his ministry, according to an earlier report by Saint Paul Pioneer Press. Feminist S-Lib Jennifer Haselberger, who was once the Archbishop Nienstedt’s subaltern and advisor on canon law, and file clerk, got access to the Diocese files in 2008, and took her job as file clerk very seriously. She called on the diocese to remove problematic priests, like Lawrence Johnson, from ministry. I always thought it was ironic she had a picture of Oscar Wilde lovingly mounted on her office wall. She was later attacked as being a disgruntled former employee.

She and others noted that Father Johnson was reported numerous occasions for suspicious behavior around boys in his parish, taking them on holidays to Cancun, only the Archdiocese authorities didn’t see the behavior as problematic enough to sideline this man.

Did Father McDonaugh, who was once rector of the Archdiocese, look at Johnson’s computer for his investigation? 

Whatever the case, this looks like another bad mark for the Archdiocese, which had this retired priest in ministry. 

It could be that Johnson was helping the 32 year old man who choked him to death, but it’s also very possible that his past finally caught up with him.

[Star Tribune] Murder charges filed Friday allege a St. Paul man strangled a 76-year-old priest on the side of Interstate 94 Thursday while en route to a mental health evaluation with the suspect telling police voices told him to commit the act.

Ramsey County prosecutors charged Nathan Thomas Wondra, 32, of St. Paul with second-degree murder in the killing of the Rev. Lawrence Johnson. Authorities arrested Wondra moments after he said voices told him to strangle Johnson in order to “save humanity.”

Wondra appeared in court Friday and is scheduled for another hearing Monday. His bail is set at $2 million. State court records show no civil commitments for Wondra related to his mental health.

According to the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Johnson was ordained as a priest in 1975 and retired in 2009. He served at parishes throughout the metro, as well as southern Minnesota and most recently for seven years at Guardian Angels Catholic Church in Chaska.

In a message sent by Archbishop Bernard Hebda to priests and deacons, Hebda asked for prayers “for the repose of the soul of our brother, Father Larry Johnson.”

“Please know that you, and the soul of Father Johnson, are in my prayers as we learn more about what happened in the coming days and work through this very tragic and difficult situation together.”


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Breakdown of fakery

Rebutting Mark Shea & EMJ on Gun Control

 The case is such an easy one to make that even a cuck like Zmirak can write a book on the subject.   Nevertheless, it's pitiful to watch him grovel Please hear me out, I wouldn't want the Chosen People to be gassed again! Why does it always have to come back to the Holocaust and why must every foreign policy decision be compared with Chamberlain's visit to Munich??

Despite living in Texas now, he still fears the Jews, something he learnt growing up in the outer boroughs of NYC.   Why didn't he point out their hypocrisy on the matter?  Despite trying to get guns out of the hands of the goyim,  Schmuck Schumer, Ed Koch, and Dianne Feinstein all packed heat.  And, Jews are very big into the gun business.   If you're looking for a target rifle, a fine Italian/English/German/Spanish shotgun, or a muzzleloader, they're not going to be of much help.  However, if you want a Glock, Desert Eagle, Uzi, AK-47, or any of the scary black "Assault Rifles," we guarantee there will be at least one Jew in the pipeline before it gets to you.   It's fun watching them mingle among the hillbillies at gun shows.  And, Bibi could find more friends there than at a joint session of Congress!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Right-Wing Parliamentarian Offends Consensus by Using “Racist” Word

Edit: there is no N-Word in Polish. At least he didn’t talk about smoke alarms!

[Official News]  Following Wednesday's debate on youth unemployment, MEPs call on far-right politician Janusz Korwin-Mikke to "apologise and step down" for using the word "nigger".

According to the S&D group, during a debate on youth unemployment, Korwin-Mikke is accused of referring to black people on several occasions as "niggers", stating the "minimum wage should be destroyed as we would be treating 20 million young Europeans like niggers".

Former Italian immigration minister and black MEP Cécile Kyenge Kashetu strongly condemned the Polish MEP's remarks, saying, "What Mr Korwin-Mikke has preached did not only offend those who have a different skin colour, but everyone who is inspired by European values of dignity and equality."


Not with a Bang but a Whimper

Rotund Centerpiece of Olympics Opening Spectacle Wants to Sue Online Critics

Edit: the DJ’s anger at online backlash at the horrendous spectacle is also using finite French police resources to find who’s responsible for ridiculing this bloated baud. 

The even complains that those attacking her and the Olympics special are “anti-Semitic”. I sure hope so, because the director responsible is a Jewish sodomite who’s adopted what looks like a child as a fashion accessory.

Despite police and government assistance in search of critics of this event, the coda performance has been canceled due to widespread offense over the event. Even Samsung wants out!



Friday, July 26, 2024

Catholic Priest in Germany Fires Altar Boy Over Political Affiliation

Edit: no, he wasn’t a Communist, or even an avowed member of NSDAP but the much more controlled and domesticated AfD.

The aggrieved acolyte is seeking legal redress, while the diocese or Paderborn is standing by its pastor’s most unpastoral, rigid and intransigent decision.

 CNA Newsroom, Jul 25, 2024 / 10:51 am

[Catholic Snooze Network] A Catholic priest in Germany has barred an altar server and lector from his duties because he works for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. According to areport by CNA Deutsch, CNA’s German-language news partner, the party has announced legal steps in response, but the archdiocese is backing the priest’s decision.

In early July, parish priest Father Ralf Dunker informed 20-year-old Julian-Bert Schäfer that he could no longer serve as an altar server, lector, and organist in the Parish of St. Francis of Assisi in Hamm in northwestern Germany. Dunker cited Schäfer’s active involvement with the AfD as incompatible with these volunteer duties.

While polling has shown the AfD as thesecond most popular party in Germany, the party is variously described in the media as a populist, right-wing, or far-right extremist outfit. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Lack of Welcome

So, people, see this. Apparently, the latest blahblahblah of synod business is not as extreme as it could have been:

The document also does not include any mention of “homosexual”, sexual “orientation”, or “gay”, but offers a general acknowledgement of a desire from all continents “concerning people who, for different reasons, are or feel excluded or on the margins of the ecclesial community or who struggle to find full recognition of their dignity and gifts within it”. 

“This lack of welcome leaves them feeling rejected, hinders their journey of faith and encounter with the Lord, and deprives the Church of their contribution to mission,” the document says.

Have you suffered a lack of welcome that leaves you feeling rejected because you love the unreformed rites of Holy Church? Do you feel excluded and on the margins of the ecclesial community and struggle to find full recognition . . . within it

Of course you do, because Bergoglian mercy does not extend to those who love the Latin Mass.

Monday, July 8, 2024

The "Final Insult"

Cardinal George Pell with Pope Francis when he received him in audience in October 2020, only six months after his acquittal.

In Australia, previously unknown information, "dark allegations", according to Daily Mail Australia, surrounding the sudden death of Cardinal George Pell is causing a stir. The Australian cardinal died unexpectedly in Rome on January 10, 2023, just days after attending the funeral of Benedict XVI. He had undergone routine hip surgery at the Salvator Mundi hospital in Rome, during which he suffered cardiac arrest.

Pell was first Archbishop of Melbourne, then of Sydney and finally Prefect of the newly established Vatican Secretariat for the Economy. In 2003, Pope John Paul II created him a cardinal. Under Pope Francis, he was called to Rome, but he was treated badly there. When th

e cardinal, as Prefect for the Economy, wanted to bring order to the Holy See's finances, which were divided among countless institutions, he encountered some bitter resistance. Pope Francis abandoned him because of pressure from those who did not want to reveal their cards. 

The indescribable ordeal

Then baseless accusations of sexual abuse surfaced in Australia. An indescribable ordeal began for Pell. He was dragged to court in 2017, convicted and went to prison even though he didn't have to. He was eventually acquitted by the Supreme Court. He published a diary of spiritually extraordinarily valuable value about his time in prison. To this day, he is the first cardinal to be imprisoned in a constitutional state. 

To this day, however, there is a persistent rumour that the accusations which brought Pell to court in Australia were "organised" by the Vatican in order to get rid of the troublesome Australian in a particularly despicable way - and they succeeded. Although Francis sent solidarity greetings had messages of encouragement delivered to him, and criticized the trial and conviction as a "coup", the head of the Church had no comparable gestures for Pell, his cardinal. In fact, none at all. Even when Pell was acquitted, Francis made him wait outside the door for months before he agreed to receive him. Did the Pope have a guilty conscience? Francis also did not entrust the then still sprightly cardinal with any more office.

This behavior strengthened those who suspect the source of perhaps the most vile attack against a cardinal in recent history came from the Vatican. Francis signaled that the Australian was no longer wanted, and there was a reason for this: Cardinal Pell was one of the critics of the current pontificate. Even from prison, he had expressed clear criticism of the then upcoming Amazon Synod after a razor-sharp analysis. And for Francis, the question "For me or against me?" plays a central role.

“His nose was broken”

Let’s hear what Brett Lackey reported yesterday in the Daily Mail Australia:

"Dark claims about George Pell's body emerge after Australia's highest-ranking Catholic dies of cardiac arrest. Cardinal George Pell's body is said to have had a broken nose and was not properly bandaged when he was returned to Australia after his death in Rome."


And further:

"His funeral in St. Peter's Basilica four days later reportedly caused great astonishment among Vatican insiders because there was no traditional open coffin."

The Daily recalls that the measures he took as Prefect of the Economy "had brought him considerable backlash from figures within the Vatican, some of whom have since been accused of financial crimes such as fraud, conspiracy and embezzlement".

His task of bringing transparency to opaque financial structures of some long-unmonitored Vatican departments "was also complicated by the fact that Pell was charged by Victoria state police in 2017 on allegations of long-standing child abuse, which led to him spending 13 months in an Australian prison before he was acquitted of all charges on appeal."

His clothes “thrown” into the coffin

The Australian , another daily newspaper on the fifth continent, wrote at the same time that "rumours have been circulating for months at the Holy See that his body was left in disarray after the autopsy", that his clothes were "thrown" into the coffin and that his shoes were missing. The Australian also confirmed citing Pell's brother, that when the body arrived in Australia the family discovered that the cardinal's nose was broken. Andrew Bolt, a columnist for the Herald Sun, Australia's largest daily newspaper, described this in a commentary for SkyNews as a "final insult" to the cardinal that had been inflicted on him in Rome.

"Incompetence" is not ruled out as a cause. At the same time, however, Australian media are pointing to the cardinal's closest associates, who see the rough treatment of the body as "a sign that some in the Vatican have not forgiven Pell for pursuing corruption."

Andrew Bolt puts it this way:

"Pell once told me that he didn't feel safe in the Vatican when he was pursuing criminals. What they did with his body makes me think he was right." 

And further:

"Pell himself said in 2021 that he was surprised at the amount of resistance he encountered within the church when it came to modernising its finances. 'I underestimated the ingenuity and tenacity of those opposed to reform,' Pell said in September 2021."


Australia's media point out, without making a direct connection, that on December 16, 2023, ten people, including a cardinal, Vatican employees and external consultants, were found guilty of financial crimes. The so-called "trial of the century" concerned real estate deals in London in which the Holy See suffered losses of 350 million euros.

Cardinal Pell, a strong personality, was not discouraged by the less than fatherly treatment by Pope Francis, but spoke out repeatedly and clearly even after his return to Rome. Since he was convinced that a conclave would soon take place, he tried to establish contacts among the new cardinals and to make them known to each other, since Francis has not convened a consistory for ten years. In the spring of 2022, Pell asked Francis to reprimand Cardinal Hollerich, the Archbishop of Luxembourg, COMECE President and General Relator of the Synodality Synod, and Bishop Bätzing, President of the German Bishops' Conference. At his death, he left behind a spiritual legacy that is a scathing criticism of Francis' pontificate.

When considering these reports, it is important to remember that Australia's media have a lot to make up for with Cardinal George Pell and that journalists are always tempted to jump on the sleazy Dan Brown bandwagon. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that Cardinal George Pell was treated badly.

Andrew Bolt's comment on SkyNews

Note: Pell's history of covering for sex predators and other accusations against him are well known.  Is the traditional blogosphere so desperate for champions that they embrace men like him?  It's so discouraging.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image : VaticanMedia (Screenshot)

Trans: Tancred