As noted only on the Eponymous Flower here, there's a real possibility that popes have been punished in the past by being astrofreezed in the basement of the Vatican by the Vatican deep-state machine. Those days may have come upon us again. Apparently, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi has told The New York Times, "They say we, the Roman Curia, keep Francis frozen so that we can do our scheming." How are we to discern that that assertion is not meant to be taken as literal, Gospel truth?
Connected to astrofreezing, would have to be the new technology developed alongside the Covid "vaccines" that enables people who are just too damn old to remain alive and to keep running the world into the latrine that it's becoming.
Not to worry.
Freezer burn will take care of it.
Sounds like the kind of topic discussed in Trump's Cabinet Room
Sounds like more deranged nattering from the nabobs of blue hair-dye.
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