Monday, March 3, 2025

Bergoglio Invokes “Saint” Teihlard de Chardin and Hopes for the Globohomo

Edit: Bergoglio has more faith in the accepted scientific hegemony and eventual solution to what he perceives are thw world's problems, the usual platitudes about hunger, evolution and human understanding. 

Since he doesnt have hope and faith in the Savior, what does he believe? The Noosphere?

He’s not extolling the religion of Christianity, he’s advancing globalist secular humanism.

His brush with death has left him more confirmed in this cold and dark agenda than ever before, and he invokes its Anti-Saint, Chardin.

We can cite as an example of this type of research Fr. Teilhard de Chardin and his attempt - certainly partial and unfinished, but daring and inspiring - to enter seriously into dialogue with the sciences, practising an exercise in trans-disciplinarity. It is a risky path, which leads us to wonder: “I ask whether it is necessary for someone to throw the stone into the pond – indeed, to end up being ‘killed’ – to open the way”.1 Thus he launched his insights that focused on the category of relationship and interdependence between all things, placing homo sapiens in close connection with the entire system of living things.

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