Friday, January 17, 2025

Vatican Asks Gay Seminarians Not to Flaunt It

Vladislaw Gomulka, Former First Secretary for Communist Poland 

Eugene Gomulka, Laicized Priest and Naval Chaplain

Edit: this just in from Eugene Gomulka. [Btw, did you know that he might be related to the Communist Prime Minister Vladislav Gomulka?  Gomulka isn’t a common surname, so he’s likely related to the General secretary who arose from humble beginnings in Galicia, Austro-Hungary. Of course, every family has a bad egg or two, maybe even a powerful and evil Communist!] Back to Euge:

Typical priest in photo stolen from “America”

[Gomulka] A 2012 psychological study of “actively ministering or retired priests” in the U.S. revealed that only 26.9% of the priests identified themselves as heterosexuals; 67.3% self-identified as gay/homosexual; and 5.8% reported that they were bisexual. Based on recent input from both heterosexual and homosexual priests around the country, the percentage of U.S.-born heterosexual priests today is estimated to be around 5-15%. 

The high percentage of gay Catholic clergy is obscured by the large number of foreign-born heterosexual priests from Africa and Asia serving in most dioceses throughout the U.S. The following “Open Letter” that encourages bishops, priests, and seminarians to read “Vatican Opens Seminaries to Homosexuals Despite ‘Lavender Mafia’ Dominating Priesthood,” by Dr. Jules Gomes, could never have been written by a priest in active ministry. Clerics who violate the Catholic Church’s “Code of Silence” and reveal what is really going on in the Church are often dismissed, suspended, laicized, or even excommunicated like Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò whose August 2018 “Testimony” identified several members of the “Lavender Mafia.”

Edit: while fagt checkers may not believe the Vatican is approving these sodomites for the priesthood, the general public and media certainly believes it to be true. In fact, everyone, including the people who actually poll Catholic priests know that there are an overwhelming number of self-identified sodomites in the clergy. This sort of ambiguity in the face of media and public opinion is a defining feature of Bergoglio’s papacy.

At least Vatican rule makers have a sense of humor, even if it’s really low-brow from the seamy clerical subculture in power now for there’s at least a caveat of no “flaunting” it. This underlies the subtext: be subtle and understated so as to attract guys you like, but not attract the attention of Knight Joe Sixpack of the KoC who might complain about light in the loafers pastors. 

This kind of hypocrisy is well-known to lifelong pewsitters, but it’s also understood by the media:

From dinosaur ABC

Homosexual men can train to become Catholic priests in Italy but not if they "support the so-called gay culture", according to new guidelines approved by the Vatican.

While stressing the need for celibacy, the Italian Bishops' Conference guidelines — posted online on Thursday — open the door for gay men to attend seminaries, or divinity schools that train priests. But they came with a caveat — that those who flaunt their homosexuality should be barred.



Anonymous said...

I am just surprised that this is News.
You can't throw a dead cat into a room full of Catholic Priests and Bishops and not hit a fag.

Tancred said...

Now they’re finally admitting it.