Sunday, December 1, 2024

Thug Gordon Apologizes for Slandering E. Michael Jones

Edit: it’s been a long time coming, but late is better than never. We always said Thug was starting to name them in recent times.  It’s a bit disappointing to see him sort of endorse Nick Fuentes, the pedo promoter and defender,and an anti-social weirdo who doesn’t understand Catholicism or believe it.  When Fuentes’ producer wanted everyone pray rosary with the Groypers at a gathering, he tried to protest and then moped over to a corner to play with his phone while everyone else prayed. 

He’s a lot like Milo, but at least Milo is better at paying lip service to Catholicism and playing church. Fuentes also didn’t seem to assist much at Mass during Covid. It’s doubtful he goes regularly to Mass at all, because he often plays computer games on Sunday mornings.

These personalities don’t even put much effort in their facade!

I don’t know why people put so much stock in these lame influencers, but it is nice to see Thug turning over a new leaf so to speak.



Anonymous said...

He isn't as big of a dork as I thought that he was.
And he also has more courage than I gave him credit for.
He is verbalizing what many, many people believe but are too cowed and terrified to say.

Woodruff Keye said...

He’s shown some courage on the JQ recently. More than T. Marshall who crows about how 23&Me showed he’s 1/784th Ashkenazi.

Perhaps he’s reckless or maybe he’s not smart enough to know it’s a career killer. Either way, are we sure we want him on our side?


Phil Walther said...

I was always put off by the way he fussed over gay men: Voris, Zmirak, Milo, Schiambra, etc.