Thursday, May 30, 2019

Taylor Marshall and Tim Gordon Slander E. Michael Jones

Update/up 17:12 GMT:

Update: here’s the video. I felt he was being a little hard on Voris, but I’m sure Voris can take it.

Inb4 anyone does a Taylor Marshal and tone polices this blog, I want to point out that he’s the one who’s shooting at Catholics for no good reason and carrying water for George Soros. He’s worse than Mark Shea.

Edit: like a creeping viper, Taylor Marshall moves in to devour another promising Catholic apostolate. A few years ago, he managed to get a small, rare Catholic Liberal arts school in Texas shut down because he didn’t like the tone of his fellow faculty members, so he joined forces with the local ordinary to get the Mass shut down on the basis of some fairly shaky accusations on Marshall’s part.  AKA Catholic’s take was very charitable, and the thing was also covered
At Rorate as well as this blog.

Now he and his new foil, Tim Gordon (Butthead), are aiming their sites at the prolific polymath, E. Michael Jones.  Gordon started out by accusing Jones of calling mother Angelica a lesbian, and Jones took to a video to contradict this false witness.  At that point Marshall did what he does and flagged Jones for copyright.  What kind of Opus Dei snake flags someone’s youtube because it makes them look bad?  Could it be Taylor Marshall, who’s finding E. Michael Jones’ tone and very Catholic teaching about the perfidious Jewish nation to be too much?

Things are heating up on the Twitter and Facebooks!

Taylor Marshall must be doing it wrong because his channels never get flagged.



  1. I knew it. Last week on Twitter he asked who was more dangerous, Iran or Turkey. He's carrying water for the rootless cosmopolites, obviously. I called him out for attempting to start another war for Israel.

  2. What a couple of losers. Jones can run circles around them. Who are these boys really working for?

  3. It is sad indeed to see The Eponymous Flower take a turn such as tearing down another's character. Perhaps this is a troll or some other source enemy stooping so low. It is not the usual Eponymous type of cover. Now we must be careful of what you are presenting here in the future. Even your two commentators above do not sound like Catholic followers. More like the Jones attack style. If this very strange article is an inserted invasion then you need to tighten things up and apologise to the people you have offended. Pray the Holy Spirit will guide you better at Eponymous.

    1. Hey everyone, it’s the tone police.

    2. You need to apologize to me, Tess. I’m offended.

      You’re Mike’s Secretary, right?

      Is this an editorial position of the Remnant right now regarding this situation and the vague concerns you’re airing out?

  4. Cyrus:

    You're being too hard on Gordon. He sounds to me like someone suffering a brain trauma. TM is just you're typical lace loving high church Anglican fairies.


    PS: why are you advertising this on your site?

    1. I don’t control the advertising that pays for my internet connection, except that I have it set to weed out porn and political ads, for the most part. I can block it when I get around to it.

  5. man all you lefebrist buttheads are a joke. Taylor Marshall is a joke, Tim Gordon is a joke, e michale jones is a joke. You are all nuts.

    1. Those are some reddit-tier bants.

  6. I was just on EMJ's FB. It's alive with support.
    These two goofballs need to apologize

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. On a related note, a few months ago blogger rorate caeli
    Tweeted a bizarre message that basically none of his/her followers can ever criticize jews... The replies were hilarious.

    What do we have here, some Zionist plants , or weird confused folks thinking theyre TradCaths but holding water for the jews?

    I'm Italian Catholic, & never heard of this ��...��

    Before Rorate blocked me, I found & posted a years-old positive review rorate had written on Jones book Jewish revolutionary spirit, (still linked & quoted here
    & rorate quickly deleted it.

    Very odd.

    Rorate Caeli (@RorateCaeli) Tweeted:
    The dignity of the Jewish people is immense: let us not forget that, in the Holy Saturday prayers, we ask the Lord that all nations be granted "Israeliticam dignitatem", the dignity of the Chosen People.

    If you have any kind of anti-Jewish feelings, please stop following us.


    1. Martin, spot on.

      I really like Rorate...but they’re not being very
      clear-headed about this.

      The Jews may be our enemy, but we must love our enemies. Isn’t that what the Christian message is all about and part of that story which is the reconciliation of that people in the end when Elijah returns?

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. That’s supposed to shut everyone up, I suppose.

  10. Thank you for your tolerance, Tancred.
    Jesus of Nazareth and his entire Jewish family.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Jones offered to settle this matter mano a mano. Taylor went the gay route.
    I don't know why Jones even bothered. It's a useless show characterized by
    persiflage, spoonerisms, and a reluctance to say anything politically incorrect
    lest they upset the sodomites or chosen people.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Taylor Marshall appears to be trying to make a name for himself by creating controversy. That means that his claims with a PhD for educational edification are patently false.

    1. One of the most reputation-destroying things anyone can do is striking someone’s channel. It shows just what a thin-skinned figure of ridicule he was always poised to be.


  15. I got suspicious about TM when YT was pushing his work on the "Suggested video's list".


  16. Their was also malapropisms to on there show


  18. He's removed all links to slander from the comments

  19. They’re in denial mode:

  20. You're a libelous liar and a hypocrite, Tim Gordon. And you're a nasty little Zionist fag, Tay-Tay Marshall, settling a manly challenge over your boy-toy's slander of Dr. E. Michael Jones with a YouTube copyright strike! Why don't you be a man, you snake, and debate Dr. Jones ... instead of being a gay-ass poser and deep state pro-censorship snitch against your fellow Catholics? Seems like, behind your "righteous", "manly" facade, you're actually just a carbon copy of Vox's Carlos Maza! Thank God there's BitChute, where you can't leverage political correctness to censor your critics when it suits you!

  21. Mmm, it's like they're insisting Jones said this. What ever happened to "charity thinketh no evil?" The just thing for Marshall to do would be to remove his own video in which Jones is slandered, and to apologize for the slander. That would show true Catholicity and humility, but the prospect of publicly admitting a mistake is apparently too much for these men to take. Just offer it up Mr. Jones.

    1. His tale bearing with respect to striking Jones’ channel to highlight their duplicity the kind of thing you’d expect from pro-aberrosexual pundits like Shea, Greydanus or Anchoress, but not a true Catholic.

      Truly a sniveling, weasely thing to do!

  22. Timothy & Taylor think their $hit doesn't stink.

  23. Marshall should've stayed Anglican and brought in Gordon

  24. Marshall & Gordon are capitalists (Gordon: "We [missionaries] are trying to bring Jesus and […] capitalism"), so it makes sense they'd be against E. Michael Jones, who defines capitalism as "state-sponsored usury."

  25. Geremia:

    Infiltration is a gay book.

    Marshall serves his masters.


  27. @Anonymous Thanks!

    However, @6:51 Wemhoff states: "the Masons are effectively no longer around" and "the Communists who have ceased existing"! Really?

    He's right that the U.S. is for the accumulation of wealth, which crapitalism does, and that Marshall doesn't mention the heresy of Americanism and Cdl. Gibbons in his book. These omissions are the best criticisms I've seen so far of Marshall's book. I like his criticism of Sophia Institute press being a 501(c)(3). Certainly that did dictate the content of Marshall's book.

    Wemhoff thinks priests should have to do manual labor to make them more manly. Some should, yes, but not all; priests certainly shouldn't be working alongside laymen in factories etc.

  28. I have to question Wemhoff’s understanding of the priesthood if he expects them to do manual labor and earn their own way. Most parish priests I’ve known work themselves to the bone for their parishes, and long after many of their contemporaries are retired and relaxing.

  29. Would historian Michael Hoffman run circles around all of them? He is not at public as many Catholics of influence, but I would not bet against him. See MH2's blog URL here --

    1. I’ve grown to respect Hoffman’s erudition and common sense over the years. I don’t know if he’s still Catholic or not, but he’s a thoughtful man. He sure called out Mike Matt of the Remnant.

  30. Tancred:

    He wants them to do manual labour as seminarians.

    1. Yeah, that’s absurd.

      BUT when my Great Uncle was a seminarian in Innsbruck, all of the seminarians had to come out and help with the harvest!
