(Vatican) Last Sunday, 26 January, Pope Francis released two doves at the Angelus in St. Peter's Square. A tradition. Since Paul VI, is that every year on the last Sunday in January a meeting with Catholic Action will take place. The Vaticanist Antonio Margheriti Martino watched the scene, which was brought to his attention by a reader. At first he took the hint to be exaggerated, but "if I want to read the incident symbolically, he has alerted me to something." Here is his report:
Gulls and Ravens Kill the Pigeons of the Pope: Ominous Foreshadowing?
The walls of the Apostolic Palace with the apartments of the Pope, his home, are blessed by the centuries-long presence of the Vicar of Christ, those men with such responsibility, that they are not enviable. Walls which know the history of the world by the sighs of the Popes. The walls, which we can rightly assume that they are specially protected because they involve Peter himself.
But these walls have grown like any other walls this year. The grace seems to have left them, together with the Pope. The Vicar of Christ no longer lives there and the animals seem to sense it and so we have witnessed a sad scene that provoked horror and tears among the people in the square.
Doves as a Symbol of Peace
With the Pope, as always, there were two children of Catholic Action of Rome at the window. Traditionally a boy or a girl can free the pigeon, otherwise - since Paul VI. who introduced this initiative - by the Pope himself, the two ascending white doves were a joy for everyone present at St. Peter's Square. Their flight has been consciously or unconsciously seen as a good omen. The pigeons flew often beautiful and acrobatic tracks, accompanied by the people with wonder and applause. Often they returned and sat on the window sill in front of the Pope, which caused the Popes to make sympathetic and humorous observations. John Paul II once said: "The Holy Spirit like a dove, returns to check whether the Pope does everything well." Benedict XVI. once said: "It is evident that the Holy Spirit wants to stay with the Pope."
Hunting Scenes: 2013 and 2014
A year ago, just two weeks before Pope Benedict announced his resignation, a terrifying spectacle took place. For the first time the audience had to watch as one of the white pigeons was attacked by a seagull. The dove fled back into the saving protection of the papal apartment. Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi announced after this scene at the first encounter with the press that the dove flew for safety to the papal apartment and was unharmed. The seagull did not dare to follow her there. The hunting scene brought an oppressive situation to expression at the time of the hostility and harassment, which was staged against the Pope.
In 2014 everything was different. The Pope did not release the white dove this time. Both pigeons were released by children. None returned to the papal apartment. So, it was as though they wanted to underline the fact that they had left the Pope's residence, yes, the "Holy chambers" are empty. A seagull but lurked again and this time with success. The Dove of Peace was no longer protected, the windows to the papal apartment were closed. There, no one lives. No mercy, no protection. The Seagull killed the dove and dragged her away in its beak.
Gulls and Ravens against Pigeons
A pigeon was killed by a seagull and the other dove was chased by a black raven. Hunting scenes on St. Peter's Square. If you want to look at it symbolically, then it is a clear sign of how the enemies of peace and truth increase. A year ago was the attack of a seagull which failed. This year the attack was successful. And the attacking gull was joined by a black raven, to be exact, a carrion crow, a second enemy added, engaging in the hunt for the white doves and it even tried to grab the surviving dove.
If you want to speak in images and metaphors, then there was - to be exact - a "Raven" involved year ago. A black Raven in human form which mangled Pope Benedict XVI. The "Raven" was the unfaithful servant, who abused the trust of the Pope and of his desk, from which he stole documents from the papal apartments. The valet was called "Raven", but the actual ravens are still unrecognized, namely the manager or principal for this theft.
The wrong Icon at St. Peter's Square

A flag, whose distinction from the nearly identical rainbow flag of the "gay movement" can only be appreciated connoisseurs the nearly the same rainbow flag of the gay movement, which came into existence at about the same time. If you look closely, the color ranking is reversed, the "peace flag" has seven colors, the "gay flag" only six. The "peace flag" has the white inscription "Pax" or peace. Nevertheless, they are confusingly similar and it is difficult to see this as a symbol of Christ. The gay movement is in its aim, for an open revolt against the divine order and life. But if one is to talk of symbols, then this symbol is also to be mentioned, which was shown on Sunday in St. Peter's Square.
Gulls and ravens fell upon the pigeons of the Pope. Whoever wants to read "signs" will only be able to see an ominous premonition. Nevertheless, if one pigeon was killed, the other which was attacked by the raven, escaped. Non praevalebunt!
Gulls are described in the Old Testament as unclean animals, who attempted to feed on the sacrifice of Abraham, which was interpreted as a premonition that the descendants of Abraham would be persecuted. Persecution that Christ foretold for those who will follow Him.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Messa in Latino
image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Thank you, Tancred, for this extremely interesting article.
ReplyDeleteAbundant signs & symbols since 1969 - blasphemous and sacrilegious NO services by the tens of thousands; exponential loss of religious and priestly vocations; disastrous numbers of church and seminary closures; massive drop in Sunday attendances throughout what was once Catholic Christendom; systemic ecclesiastical abuses financially & sexually with institutionalised attempts to cover it all up; enormous loss of funds in litigious processes to cover up immoral clerical and episcopal behaviour; abuse of canonisation and beatification for post-conciliar political ends; contradiction of church teaching on salvation by JP II among others..........................and so it continues under the "new" management. Characteristically, stolen relics of JP II and the floods at Lourdes preventing them from being exposed there last year plus other manifestations would never be enough to turn this out-of-control downhill plunge towards the ultimate catastrophe. The blind lead the blind into the pit; the tree bears rotten fruit; they scatter the sheep from the penfold; the hierarchy have abdicated their responsibilities by the liberal modernist process of collegial neutrality and they have sold our birthright for a disgusting mess of pottage.
ReplyDeleteThe modern church becomes increasingly imbued with the signs and symbols of neopaganism and pantheism.
A gull, more precisely a "herring gull", Latin name "Laurus Argentinas".
ReplyDeleteCorrection: "Laurus ArgenTATUS"
DeleteBut it's still creepy.
Everyone remember the famous picture of the lightning bolt striking the cross on the dome of St. Peter's the day Benedict XVI resigned? Not once did it strike (which would have been just a coincidence), but 2x. A meteorologist I know said to strike in the same place 2x is almost impossible. Therefore, take it as a sign of God's displeasure with Benedict XVI's decision.......or, take it as a sign of Satan moving into the Vatican and the Catholic Church.hence we have Pope Francis, and his like minded underlings bent on destroying the Catholic Faith and tradition....Cardinals Maridiaga, Dolan, Wuerl, Bras de Aviz, and others...as well as Fr. Volpi and his persecution of the Franciscans of the Immaculate.
ReplyDeletePope Francis' doves attacked and killed by crows and a herring gull(sea gull), wasn't just a coincidence. It was a sign that evil lives and reigns in the Vatican. And has been growing from 1963 up until now. It is almost complete. And we should be very concerned about this Pope Francis and the direction he seems to be taking the Church...and his advisors.
Good Popes, good pastors, good Cardinals, good bishops, good religious Orders produce abundant Graces and good fruit. As had been the case in the Church in the 200 years before Vatican II.
The opposite is true since 1965. It doesn't take a genius to recognize we're on the wrong path, headed towards self-destruction. Especially since March 13, 2013.
I completely agree with you, Anonymous 5:16.
DeleteI agree. The Secular and Media adores Francis. This is what Jesus said "If you were of the world, the world would love is own" John 15:19
Deletethere are no coincidences….
ReplyDeleteContrast this incident with the ravens that came and protected the dead body of St. Vincent after his martyrdom.
ReplyDeleteThe holy dove is under constant persecution by evil people. There's no easy way to stop it, and this attack is a sign that evil has reached the very Vatican. In case you're wondering what or who the holy dove is, know this, it's Puerto Rico's motto, "his name is John". If you even suspect someone could be him, suspect more based on how thoroughly he is degraded, maligned, and persecuted. Any other expectations of his life quality are a wishful myth. Being kind to everyone does not mean deflecting anger at particularly persecuted people as special. Persecution is anything but that.