Non-Catholic "priestess" concelebrates with bishops and priests in the cathedral and nobody notices anything, says anything, does anything...
Sometimes things happen that you think are impossible until they turn out to be true. One such "thing" happened on February 9 in the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Chapecó in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina.
The diocese has been led by Msgr. Odelir José Magri since 2014, appointed by Pope Francis. In November 2024, Francis elevated the Diocese of Chapecó to an archdiocese and appointed Msgr. Magri as its first archbishop. Magri's enthronement as archbishop took place on that February 9. During the Mass, an incident occurred that only became an issue after media inquiries.
Among the "celebrants" present was a woman, Vivian Schwanke De Oliveira, an Anglican pastor. Dressed in a white alb and blue stole, she not only took part in the celebration, but also entered the cathedral with the bishops and priests present. But that was not all; she remained in the presbytery and "concelebrated" and finally received Holy Communion.
Unmissable "priestess" at the altar at the bishop's mass,
but nobody cares
The Code of Canon Law is clear on the issue.
The mass was celebrated by the new Archbishop of Chapecó, Msgr. Odelir José Magri, a Comboni missionary, who pointed out in the celebration the ecumenical significance of the presence of "religious authorities" of other faiths. He specifically mentioned the Anglican pastor present at the altar as a representative of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil (IEAB).
Don François Cristiano Cousseau, the Chancellor of the Archdiocese, read the Pope's decree establishing the Archdiocese of Chapecó and appointing Bishop Odelir José Magri as Archbishop.
Kneeling before the altar, Bishop Odelir made a profession of faith, affirming his belief in the truths of the Word of God and the teachings of the Church. He also took the oath of fidelity, committing himself to maintaining communion with the Catholic Church, preserving the integrity of the faith and promoting ecclesiastical discipline.
The Mass was attended by around 80 priests and seven bishops from the state of Santa Catarina: the Bishop of Caçador, Msgr. Cleocir Bonetti; the Bishop of Lages, Msgr. Guilherme Werlang MSF; the Bishop of Joaçaba, Msgr. Mário Marquez OFMCap; the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Florianópolis, Msgr. Onécimo Alberton; the Bishop of Rio do Sul, Msgr. Adalberto Donadelli Junior; and the Archbishop of Joinville, Msgr. Francisco Carlos Bach.
The Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil, in western Santa Catarina and in Alto Uruguai Gaúcho, issued a statement congratulating "the Archdiocese of Chapecó on its elevation and you, Dom Odelir, on your appointment as archbishop" and reiterating its desire to "walk side by side in the mission of Christ, always seeking unity in faith and service to others."
The incident naturally did not go unnoticed by all observers and was covered by the Catholic news portal ACI Digital, which caused the matter to spread further and further.
The Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil (IEAB) is a numerically small denomination of the Anglican tradition that allows women and homosexuals to be ordained as priests and bishops and has been blessing gay couples since 2018.
ACI Digital, better known in German-speaking countries as CNA, contacted the Archdiocese of Chapecó and asked for explanations regarding the participation of the Anglican pastor, her concelebration and her admission to receive communion. The press office issued a statement signed by Msgr. Odelir José Magri.
Statement by Archbishop Magri
The full text of the letter is below:
"With regard to the events during the solemn mass for the installation of the Archdiocese of Chapecó and my inauguration as Metropolitan Archbishop, we would like to inform you that we have already communicated with the Apostolic Nunciature in Brazil about these individual incidents of an unintentional violation of liturgical norms."
That is the entire reaction of the local bishop in charge, which, moreover, only came nine days after the scandal in response to media inquiries. The multitude of serious sacrileges is reduced to an "unintentional violation of liturgical norms". However, there was nothing unintentional about it. Vivian Schwanke knew exactly where she was, what she wanted there and what she was doing there. She would hardly have taken this scandalous arbitrary action if she had not been expressly invited to take part by the relevant authorities. The explicit mention of Schwanke during the celebration by Archbishop Magri leaves no doubt about this.
The archbishop made the profession of faith and the oath of allegiance during the celebration, but the sacrilege took place next to him. This was brought to his attention, minimized and he once again professed orthodoxy. But how much are these findings actually worth?
This raises the question of whether Archbishop Magri is guided by an unprecedented indifference, by an equally unique ignorance, or whether he considers the faithful and the public to be empty ignoramuses who can be told whatever he wants. What is even more shocking is that, in addition to Msgr. Magri, six other bishops and 80 priests were present at the celebration and concelebrated, but no one intervened and sent the non-Catholic "concelebrant" or "priestess" away from the presbytery or removed her. Everyone accepted her conspicuous presence as if it were nothing. And Vivian Schwanke was, as the images prove, indeed conspicuous in the circle of bishops and priests. She really stood out and seemed to shout shrilly to everyone: Look, here I am. But no one reacted. Were they all in a trance?
And what will happen now that the Apostolic Nuncio has been informed? Without wanting to anticipate the head of the church who is in hospital, it can be assumed with a high degree of probability that nothing will happen. Please move on: There is nothing to see here.
The sacrilegious scandal is to be filed under the heading of an "unintentional" isolated incident, which, according to current knowledge, it was not.
What is wrong with this Catholic hierarchy? With these priests?
Text: Giuseppe NardiImage: Youtube/ACI Digital (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred